photovoltaic farms
photovoltaic farms
8 MWp
total capacity of the farms
The total surface area of the farms is approx. 16.5 ha. The total annual energy production is approx. 8,200 MWh (in the first year of operations). This makes it possible to avoid approx. 6,500 Mg of carbon dioxide annually. The lifetime of the installation is estimated at 25 years, which corresponds to cumulative production in the range of 200,000 MWh.
The construction of the Sulechów Photovoltaic Farm lasted from April to September 2019. The farms obtained the occupancy permit in October and started producing electricity in November 2019. The farms have been producing electricity in the auction system since the beginning of 2020. The Sulechów Photovoltaic Farms are owned by Farma Fotowoltaiczna Sulechów Sp. z o.o., a special purpose vehicle wholly owned by Polenergia S.A.
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