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Acquisition of notes by a subsidiary

Acquisition of notes by a subsidiary

01/04/2009 11:26

Legal basis: Art. 56 Section 1 Item 1 of the Public Offering Act – Confidential Information

Polish Energy Partners S.A. (hereinafter “PEP”) hereby informs that on 31 March 2009, Grupa PEP – Finansowanie Projektów Sp. z o.o. (hereinafter “GPFP”) acquired and paid up the notes issued by Saturn Management Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością i Wspólnicy, Spółka Komandytowa (hereinafter “SM”) for the aggregate amount of PLN 19,159,546.00. GPFP and SM are the subsidiaries of PEP. The acquisition of notes constitutes the acquisition of significant assets due to the fact that the value thereof exceeds 10% of PEP’s equity.

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