Corporate Website



03/04/2015 20:13

Current report 15/2015

Polenergia SA (‘Company’) hereby announces that on 2nd April 2015 the Company (as the so-called sponsor) and its subsidiary, Polenergia – Farma Mycielin Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (‘FW’, as the borrower), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (‘EBRD’), Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A., Oddział w Polsce, Alior Bank SA and Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. (‘Creditors’, as the creditors) and Bank Zachodni WBK SA (as an agent) executed a credit facility agreement (‘Agreement’).

Pursuant to the Agreement, FW will be granted an investment credit in the total amount of PLN 257 800 000 for construction of the wind farm.

The Agreement provides for the repayment period of the above-mentioned credit until 15th September 2029. The interest rate is equal to WIBOR plus the bank margin.

Since the Agreement value exceeds 10% of the Company equities, it was classified as a material one.

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