
Information service

Polenergia as best company in 2018 according to…

Polenergia S.A. (‘Polenergia’) awarded the Bulls and Bears statuette for the best company according to the sWIG80 Index in 2018.…

21 March 2019

Significant improvement of Polenergia’s annual results in 2018

Polenergia S.A. (“Polenergia”), the biggest Polish private, vertically integrated energy group, presented a consolidated 2018 report. Revenue from sales reached…

4 March 2019

Management Board of Polenergia

The Supervisory Board of Polenergia S.A. („Polenergia”), the biggest Polish private vertically integrated energy group appointed Mr. Michał Michalski as…

23 January 2019

Polenergia plans implementation of the third wind power…

Polenergia S.A., the biggest Polish private vertically integrated energy group, has concluded a preliminary agreement on the sale of 50…

20 December 2018

Third quarter of 2018 as time of significant…

Trzeci kwartał 2018 roku przyniósł zdecydowaną poprawę wyników Polenergii. Grupa odnotowała wzrost przychodów ze sprzedaży aż o 48 proc. w…

14 November 2018

Two new members of Polenergia Management Board

The Supervisory Board of Polenergia S.A. (‘Polenergia’), the largest Polish private and vertically integrated energy group, appointed on 8th August…

8 August 2018

Lack of market stabilization reduces the results of…

Polenergia S.A. (‘Polenergia’), the largest Polish private and vertically integrated energy group, presented a consolidated report for the first half…

8 August 2018

Polenergia finalized agreement with Equinor

Polenergia S.A. (‘Polenergia’), the largest Polish private and vertically integrated energy group, signed an agreement with Equinor (former Statoil) enabling…

22 May 2018

First Quarter of 2018 as Time of Polenergia…

Wydarzeniem pierwszego kwartału 2018 roku, które zdecydowanie pozytywnie wpłynęło na cały rynek odnawialnych źródeł energii w Polsce było podpisanie przez…

16 May 2018

Polenergia and Statoil intend to construct wind farms…

Polenergia S.A. (‘Polenergia’), the largest Polish private and vertically integrated energy group, signed a preliminary agreement to dispose of 50…

5 March 2018

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